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Guide To B2B SEO Audit: The Ultimate Guide of B2B SEO Audit To Rank

B2B SEO Audit is a comprehensive audit for business websites that have complex pages and high competition. For B2B websites we have to follow the same guidance for every website, but according to niche, some processes and additional steps should be done to give the best reporting of the website.

Steps of B2B SEO Audit Service

The b2b seo audit checklist is divided into 5 Categories, and within those, other sub-categories are listed to make it easier to understand the B2B SEO Audit Report by the client.

1.  On-Page B2B SEO Audit

For the on-page b2b seo audit, we have categorized them into four sub-categories. Doing this will ensure that you’re on page b2b seo audits are on the point of targeted audiences.

Meta Tags and Rich Snippets

Meta Tags are those titles and descriptions visible on Search Engine Result Page when someone searches for their query. Placing the click-worthy meta title and description helps increase the CTA, and users are more likely to be attracted to click-worthy content than boring and informational.

Always make the Meta Title less than 65 characters and the Meta description less than 155 characters, as they won’t be omitted from SERP Page. While sometimes, google also changes the Meta Title and Description to provide relevant information to users. 

Rich Snippets are those unique and structural data shown on SERP in attractive ways like People Also Asked For, How To, Service, Review, etc. These snippets always catch the user’s attention, and they are more likely to click those, and they are important for Google also to understand the articles better. 

To add rich snippets, you have to go to schema.org website and generate the required schemas, or on WordPress, the seo plugins like Yoast SEO and Rank Math also give these features of adding rich snippets.

Keyword Types, Density, Placement, etc

While targeting the keyword, first look at satisfying the user’s intention of searching them like navigational, transactional, informational, etc. Next, look for selecting the LSI keyword as they help increase word count, give meaningful and complete information about the topic and more.

keywords research

Then look for the keyword density as following the competitors’ density and placing the primary keyword on the URL, meta tags, and first and last sentence of content & content SEO are other things to look for.

Quality Content

The foremost things that google dives into when looking for a web page are quality and relevant content. In the context of quality content, look for the article word counts, Heading structure, topic brief according to keyword, and website relevancy in that niche.

Other stands like the Author box which gives information about the author’s experiences and expertise in the field. While on the product and service page, giving complete information about review user name, review from, ratings, etc. helps Google understand more and gives information equity. Additionally, adding optimized internal linking and external linking will also help more.

2. Website / Technical SEO Audit for B2B Business

 The website error or technical audit will be divided into various categories, consisting of finding out the website’s vulnerability in terms of SEO. While doing so, The technical audit will contain the following:

Sitemap Audit And Website Speed

The first step of search engine crawlers is to check the website’s sitemap to find the website structure of categories, pages, blogs, services, products, etc. The Sitemap audit will show us the seoorphan’s URLs, non-indexable URLs in the sitemap, URLs not in the sitemap, etc., to make sure all these are on point. We will consider doing a b2b seo audit for the sitemap.

The website speed audit is doing an audit of website speed which will give us various information related to server and site speed. Generally, the website speed is slow due to a slow server, Javascript issues, flash content, caching issues, unoptimized files, excessive HTTP requests, and many more are audited in these website speed audit sections.

Indexing, Crawlability and Mobile Friendly Audit

As indexing and crawlability of sites is a crucial part of making sure that Google, yahoo, Bing, etc., crawl and index the website, we will look through this problem and show the various ways to do so if we find these issues on the site. Checking the robots.txt file of the website to look through the blocked URLs and crawler accessibility to crawl the website is also one of the factors we do in this audit.

This audit will contain the audit regarding the UI.UX in the mobile interface, are they hard for users to navigate? Are website fonts not clear to understand? And other problems regarding mobile friendliness with their solution are given through this audit.

3. OFF Page SEO Audit for B2B SEO Audit

The Offpage SEO Audit is all about knowing the internal, external, and other links we get, as the off-page seo is also considered good for seo driven results. It’s getting a vote of authority to rank for certain keywords. We have categorized them into two types.

Internal and External Link Audit

Those links from our site are known as internal links, and those we gained from other websites are known as external links. At the same time, both links play equally important roles regarding the value they deliver.

In this audit of internal links, we will find the link that should be optimized more for user satisfaction. Regarding external links, we will cover the spammy website links to disavow them for ranking and trustworthy factors.

Type of Links: Follow, No Follow, Sponsored, Redirects Links, Anchor Tags

We have different types of links. Firstly we’ll talk about the following:

Follow links are the consideration from the links that say crawlers to follow the links and crawl them too, while no follow links give a signal to crawlers not to follow those links: The audit will show the follow vs. no follow links ratio and ways to optimize them in terms of better navigation in internal as well as external links.

As the name suggests, the links are which are sponsored are sponsored links, those that come for any redirection are redirected links and 404 links are called broken links. We should not have broken links, and this audit will contain those aspects of the link. The audit will contain the details about these things and ways to solve them for ranking in the b2b market.

Analyzing the anchor name always gives fruitful information about the keyword we are getting votes for and other ways to do so. Sometimes we even got naked URLs, space links, and others audited in this audit.

4. Competitors Analysis For B2B SEO Audit

The competitor analysis for B2B SEO Audit is classified into four sub-categories, which help to analyze the niche and its depth, the trend of the niche, numerous ways to make a strategy, etc.

Keyword Gap & Backlink Gap Analysis

While our first step in a competitor analysis is finding out the keywords gap compared to the other three top competitors in the market, while doing so, we can find new potential keywords to rank by looking at competitors’ keywords and their position. 

Doing so can help to find new strategies in content planning & content structure. Audiences, age, and demography could be furthermore found through their ranked keyword intent and search expression.

The second step is doing the backlink analysis and gap concerning our competitors’ backlinks as backlinks are one of the crucial parts to ranking a website as it gives authority and trustworthy votes to the website. 

Analyzing the competitor’s backlinks and finding the gaps helps in running a campaign related to those gaps and fulfilling those gaps through the backlink email campaigning, as it is also a difficult part of seo to crack down.

Content Trends Analysis

Analysis of the blogs, product description, meta tags, alt tags, embed content, schema and content type in a specific niche is also important to do while doing competitor analysis in b2b seo audits as they give knowledge and trends to follow to get ranked as competitors are doing so. Analyzing them will also help in strategy making, planning, and implementing for a fast and easier way to progress.

Structure and Architect of Website

The structure of a website in a particular niche also matters in ranking as it gives better UI/UX to audiences, and Google loves giving better UI/UX to the audiences. The mobile and desktop user interface, and features, also matter when going for a particular niche. While doing a b2b SEO audit service, we insure all of this data about the website and even more frequently used CMS, and other details are also included on the b2b SEO Audit.

Bonus: Google Search Console Audit

Audit the Google search console is a mandatory thing to do, while doing every step covered, many things can be audited through the Google search console or other webmasters. The search console will give you an overview of site health from keywords, backlinks, mobile friendly to every other possible thing in an easy way.

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